
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beaded Animal Contest - August 2013 Edition

3D beaded animals are a lot of fun to make - and now I have a better camera to document the process so I'm going to make another tutorial!

I have it narrowed down to these three:

- Owl
- Porcupine
- Manta Ray

Please let me know your vote either by commenting below or emailing me at jetreese (at) gmail (dot) com.
Anyone who votes by the end of August (8/31 11:59 PST) will have a chance to win the little guy, and I will ship it to you (if it can be mailed from the US Post Office- international is okay too, but I'm cheap so the wait will be longer...)


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Home Sweet Home(ish)

So I've managed to disappear again- this time because I'm closing on a house south of Seattle next week:

My future home

There will be lots of projects coming along with it (many of which will be added here), but I'm very excited to have a home again.

Also, I will be doing another South African beaded animal poll (and giveaway) here in the next week or so to celebrate.
